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What are Packages?

  • P​ackages were code-based plugins or art assets that creators could install in their own Crayta projects to speed up development, similar to Unity's Asset Store or Unity Packages. 

  • I loved creating them, and they're what I spent most of my time creating in Crayta. Many of my Packages were requests by other Creators to help add a certain feature or gameplay mechanic to their Games, and therefore, became some of the most used Packages on Crayta.

  • Nearly all of them were the first (and only!) of their kind and many creators relied on them.

  • This page includes examples of some of the Packages I created. Most underlined text should open the corresponding archived award announcement video or documentation.

Starter: Domination

  • The Starter: Domination Blueprint allowed Crayta creators to create their own Domination game mode games without worrying about writing code!

  • Domination is an extremely popular Game Mode in shooting games where two teams constantly compete to capture 3 or more "Control Points" spread across the Map.

  • When a Team captures a Control Point and maintains control of it, their score increases by a certain amount every few seconds. The more points that they have under their control, the faster their score increases. The team that has the higher score before the Round ends, or reaches the score threshold first, wins.

  • This Package won the Crayta Gold Award in December 2022 for Best Package!

  • To read the Documentation that I had written for this Package, click here. (from Internet Archive) or (Google Drive) here

Ability Creator

  • The Ability Creator package allowed Crayta creators to add Player abilities to their Game without worrying about code

  • The Package provided a modular approach to creating abilities. I came up with a 4 Phase approach to divide an Ability: Cast, Execute, Recovery, Cooldown

  • The Package allowed creators to modify each one of these phases without writing code. Creators could customize the sounds and effects of their Abilities, customize how it damages enemy players, what effects it applies to the player and the enemy (buffs and debuffs), and much more

  • This Package won the Crayta Silver Award in April 2022 and the Bronze Award in May 2022 for Best Package

  • Documentation (from Google Drive): click here

PowerUp Creator

  • The name explains it! The PowerUp Creator was the first and most accessible system for creating PowerUps in Crayta games without writing code

  • It featured over 10 unique PowerUp effects

  • It also allowed creators to create team-specific PowerUps for different teams in their Game

  • This Package won the Crayta Silver Award in April 2022 for Best Package!

  • Documentation (from Google Drive): click here

Controllable Turret Creator

  • This package allowed creators to add remote controlled turrets and other mounted projectile weapons to their game, useful for action RPGs.

  • Documentation (from Google Drive): click here

Enhanced Weapons Package

  • This package expanded upon the default gun/weapon script provided by the Crayta team and added multiple features for gun-based weapons

  • It included 6 example weapons that each inflicted a special status effect on the enemy/player: Freeze, Burn, Heal, Poison, Curse, Stun

  • It also provided a way for creators to create their own Status Effects!

  • This Package won the Crayta Silver Award in December 2022 for Best Package!

  • Documentation (from Internet Archive): click here

  • or here (Google Drive)

Some other Packages I created

(that I couldn't record videos for before Crayta shut down)

Click on the Package name for the archived Documentation and the award text for the award announcement video

This package allowed creators to add team or player-based buffs, debuffs and rewards based on whoever won or lost a round, useful for game balancing and rewarding players or for gameplay

I had found a way to modify Crayta's fire VFX effects to make them look like holograms. This opened new possibilities for artists (please ignore the crude programmer art in the video lol)

This Package contained Scripts that allowed creators to:
• Create an Entity Health System
Add a Health Bar and Health System to physical Entities (Meshes, Shapes, NPCs)
• Create a Looting System
Create a Looting System that allowed the player to search through game objects for Loot, drop items held by the Player's Inventory as Loot, make an Entity drop Loot when their Health reaches zero. Loot Spawning was animated using curve functions. Loot drop chances could be initialized with weighted probabilities.

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